
These pages stem from the start of my loft modelling odyssey up to the great Covid 19 lockdown enforced upon me.  
News of developments from 2021 onwards to be found here.  

My Musical Adventures - My other hobby - only for the brave:

Monday, 30 November 2015

Setting the mine scene up

I had a set of mine buildings that I built at the same time as the mine many years ago.  Sadly these would not fit the new layout. However I took a look at them, did a bit of deconstructing and have now got two salvaged structures in the scene.  Here are some photos with the tramway removed for clarity.

Watching the dogs argue over a bone. The man with the sledgehammer is an old
 British made Mastermodels OO scale metal figure. I've had him since I was 
about nine years old and always wanted to put him in a scene.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Ore tramway

I built a trestle tramway for the ore taking it from the ore bin on the mine to a projected tipple on the cliffside which will deliver it to rail wagons underneath.  I managed to make a false start by building it too high so had to dismantle all the trestles, shorten them and re-assemble.
The tramway in position with extra earthworks for support.
The next step will be adding an 18 inch tram line but I need to buy the bits for that. I can add some sway braces to the trestles too.

Braces added

Pedro Alvarez the Mine' s Chief Engineer opening a crate which he hopes contains a spare trackle valve for the steam room. 

Friday, 27 November 2015

Settling tanks for the mine

To use up what could be visually a dead spot behind the stairs, I decided to build a trio of settling tanks and a plinth to put them on.  The tanks were made from plastic tube and bottle caps, Two were clad in scale lumber, the small tank looks like corrugated metal.
Large tank is the rim of some plastic thingy with a cone shaped bottom.  The small item is the tip of this cone, sawn off and stuck to a metal frame.  it will become a mining junk piece.

The middle tank  has masking tape bands added

Roof on

The tanks in situ

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Saratoga Mine 3

I thought fitting the mine into its site was going to be a nightmare with three separate forms to bring together but it went easily as it happens.
Sculptamold in place

First paint treatment

Ground texture applied. I'm using ground cat litter and WS ballast mixed.  I'll colour and weather it when dry.

Saratoga Mine 2

The fun part in all this is getting a seamless fit between the Mine and the side adit and the plaster rock walls.  I hacked the adit out with my Bosch magic saw and am now infilling with Sculptamold just roughly slumped on.  It's a bit a of a thee dimensional puzzle to put together but hopefully I'll get there in the end.

The site
The mine, the adit entrance and the rock are three separate items, the puzzle is how to get them all together as one!
A bit of detail
I felt I was being too cavalier with the lives of my little plastic miners so I installed a safety railing.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Saratoga Mine

Many years ago I scratchbuilt a model of Malcolm Furlow's Saratoga Mine from plans in the Gazette.  Its original location on a diorama was in a corner, however the corner it's in now is a mirror opposite so I've had to make some changes.  There was a set of matching buildings, none of which fits the new location.  Oh well...
New support wall installed to raise the mine up.
Access platforms added
Rock fence to shield roof
Fence is angled forwards to catch rock fall.
Home for the mine
Trying for size
Rock fence fitting
Tailings platform and trestle
Trestle halved!
Chute and wall added, tailings pile started

Tailings pile growing

Thursday, 19 November 2015

An Ebay bargain transformed


I bought two old Wiking HO scale trucks for a song on Ebay this week and spent a couple of hours transforming them to something useful on the layout.  One was a very shiny, bright red Deutsche Post lorry with bonus opening rear doors.  The other was a rather nondescript military support wagon of some sort.

Post lorry

I dismantled this completely taking care not to break anything important.  I took the radiator
off the bonnet and cut and filed away the central core with the Mercedes badge on.  I replaced this with an etched metal street drain cover cut down to fit and backed with black paper.  The door latch was filed down a bit and the body was masked and painted and had some packages glued inside. I cut down and painted an old Airfix figure for the driver, picked out the central windscreen frame in silver and reassembled. I built a new front fender from plastic.  A thinned paper logo for a trucking company and some weathering completed the conversion.

Military truck

This was destined for Dan's auto scrapyard.  I dismantled this completely keeping the body and chassis filler for spares. I cut out the driver's side window and put a bullet hole in the windscreen.  I cut off the radiator for my scrapbox, distressed the body work with my Dremel and lifted up one side of the bonnet (hood).  I made an "engine" and battery from scrap and fitted them.  A lot of dust and rust completed this little model.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Just to say not much going on at the moment. Arthritis and morphine don't make for great modelling motivation so I'm just pottering when and where I can. I've made a start on a Jordan plastic hi lift truck kit and an old Wheel Works white metal pickup kit as I can't cause too much damage with those! 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Correcting a mistake

A while back I built a model of a roadside diner using an old Eggerbahn 009 coach body as the eating area.  It was a cute model but on the layout, whenever I looked at it I wanted to rip it out and start again.  It was just too much of a pastiche even for me!  So today I did rip it out of the leyout and rebuilt it to more realistic proportions.

The original model
 I took off all details and then separated the rear kitchen shack from the coach body.  I cut out the central window and fitted a Grandt Line door.  Primed and then painted with acrylic. I matched the fence with more pieces and painted these white and weathered heavily.  I didn't want the vestibule roof overhang so sawed a chunk out with a razor saw.  Then I made the deck from Evergreen V groove siding and fitted the fencing.
The components

Underside of deck 

Completed deck
Underside of roof with first layer of tissue
The roof was joined and filled roughly with plastic and covered with layers of tissue glued on lengthwise.   3 foot wide strips were then glued on perpendicular to the first to represent tarpaper.

The shack was reunited with its diner front and the signs refitted.

Trying for size

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

A different view

I thought I'd place the camera at or near ground level while I had the space for a different perspective.