
These pages stem from the start of my loft modelling odyssey up to the great Covid 19 lockdown enforced upon me.  
News of developments from 2021 onwards to be found here.  

My Musical Adventures - My other hobby - only for the brave:

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Treacle anyone?

Dan's Treacle Mining and Refining

No construction pics for this one. It's a bash of some old (40 plus years?) MDC Roundhouse plastic walls, doors and windows with a few touches of my own. This will connect to the mine outlet for which I've added an interior gallery.  This little structure has partial interior detail and lighting. I put in a lot of time colouring individual stones but the sunlight has washed them out in the pics.

I need to put a bit more glue under the lead flashing.

You can see Dan's (daddy's) coat hanging in the hall. I made this by sawing up and carving an HO body. A gruesome task!

Oh! That big red chimney will need shortening, It stands above the backscene and will be a problem.

Friday, 15 March 2019

A minor diversion 6

Landscaping begins

I finally get to the bit I like, bringing it to life.  The tiny 0-4-0 mechanism arrived today from Japan and it is minute. The Baldwin body I have would dwarf it. I do have an old Eggerbahn loco body that I think I can get to fit. At least I'll be able to put an engineer and fireman inside or probably a lady engineer and firewoman as it's the girls' layout!  The Gaugemaster walk around throttle arrived too so no excuse for not getting the wiring drops in and the track polished and tested.
General overview
Amaco Canyon
Might be a tricky crossing...Albeit a dry landing at the moment.
Station throat and Main Street.  
The rail track will be buried in the street as a tramway here.
Fire Chief Stokes on his eternal rounds
Sarah's Farm

Sadly the above house is too big for the site so I've removed it and replaced with the structure below.  I got it for next to nothing on ebay but can't remember who made it. Nonetheless it's a nice piece of moulding, although the window glazing bars are a trifle thickand deep for scale.

Friday, 8 March 2019

A minor diversion 5


Using thick polyurethane insulation foam offcuts and Sculptamold in home made latex rock moulds, the landscape is taking shape.  There is  the narrow gorge of Amaco Canyon through which the line threads with Mount Simon to the left.  This will be the site of the famous Dan's (Daddy had to make an appearance) Treacle Mine that provides revenue for the RR and opportunity for detail.  There will be a short spur with a small dock and the track then takes the bridge over the deep and treacherous inlet of Troubled Waters before running through tram track at road level to the depot on main Street.  Off to spend the day tomorrow with the girls at Birmingham Symphony Orchestra stuff for kids so no more work here until Sunday.

Amaco Canyon

Mount Simon to the left, the dip on top will be a small dew pond with deer etc drinking.

The bridge over Troubled Waters

Rocks take colour

As I want to depict granite with all its variations I used a base wash of very thin grey acrylic followed by some spots of umber and ochre acrylic spray diluted further with clean water and then, when dry a wash of thin phthalo blue then more ochre.  Then a light grey acrylic dry brushed all over.  It will need further thin washes before I'm happy with the final result but it's going well. The beauty of this method is that the white of the Sculptamold continues to show through as highlights.

I could not resist adding a small arch tunnel for the girls.  Another piece of foam suitably hacked to shape, pinned to the main part with a couple of toothpicks then plaster bandage and Sculptamold. They are just butted together now but will be joined with more Sculptamold when the track has been laid, ballasted and tested.

Looking into Amaco Canyon

The inlet

More granite colouration plus I'm reworking the little shed as the entrance to the treacle mine

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

A minor diversion 4

General progress

I have ordered some Peco flex track which should arrive tomorrow with luck. That will be stuck down with epoxy direct to the baseboard and throughly ballasted to lose most of the sleepers (ties) in good old NG fashion.

The Fire Hall

I wasn't happy with the Fire Hall/House? doors, they were too modern so I replaced them with sturdy wooden doors with strong hardware comprising plastic strip and Grandt Line filigree roof supports for the hinges, I just noticed that I haven't fitted any handles. Doh!  To add interest I built up the cab end of an old Heljan Ford truck kit and glued on a card bulkhead with the legend Webbtown Fire Dept printed on. I stuck this in a half open doorway.

There is more work to happen to the roof but that will wait for the LEDs to come from far Cathay.

Poor focus but the writing shows up.

Those tyres need a bit more paint!
Final detailing
The badge on the upper front was the hardest job on this build. I had to chisel off the raised lettering inside the plaque then print to size and cut to fit. Glad it's done.  Door handles now added but those tyres need attention still.

Chief Stokes about to start his morning inspection.  You may not see it but he is the ONLY person in the whole of Cuspidor and Webbtown to have shiny black boots.

Monday, 4 March 2019

A minor diversion 3


I don't normally do interiors as so much gets lost visually but on the other hand the modelling doesn't need to be outstanding to create the illusion of life going on in the buildings.
The work may look shoddy but it occupied a few hours away from the TV.
They will all improve when I get around to adding lighting.

Rialto Cinema

I don't know if American cinemas in the thirties had Commissionaires but we did here until the fifties and I found this figure on the right who is perfect.

Darcie's Dresses

Jasmine's Soda Fountain upper floor

Jasmine's Soda Fountain ground floor

Bob's Bazaar antiques and restorations

Friday, 1 March 2019

A minor diversion 2


This has been given two coats of gloss green paint and that's it.


I'm making progress on the final stuctures for Webbtown. I kitbashed again from my stock of old plastic kits that won't make it to Cuspidor. First was an old AHM farmhouse now to be Sarah's farm (the kids' mummy had to get in somewhere). I cut off the extension, pushed back a wall and covered the evidence with a blooming Ceanothis vine.  

Next was an old station depot kit that I had built fully. This was literally torn apart, cut down drastically and then reassembled for Webbtown depot. This really was a challenge and has resulted in further hair loss!

I needed a couple of small industrial buildings so cobbled two together using an assortment of parts from the scrapbox.  I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out.

I only need one more structure and that is the final store on Main Street, as I am now cleaned out of stock I will have to haunt Ebay for something I can use.


I now have to buy and lay some track or nowt else will get done.